“I’m from Detroit near Sherwood Forest branch (that’s the branch I went to as a kid). I went to U of M for my undergrad and then got my masters in art therapy at WSU. I just really wanted art to be a part of my life and I had to figure out some kind of way to make a job out of it.
A friend sent me information about this cool opportunity to work with kids creating art in the library which was new and interesting for me to explore. I needed to do some research, so I got a new library card and got all these new books! I was like “I haven’t done this in forever!” I do a ton of things at once so being here helps slow me down, and I think it’s great working with the kids because they see things differently than I do. I think the experience has been good for me and them so far, I’ve definitely learned a lot. From my personal experience I think art connects you to yourself and the library has reconnected me to my childhood community. The library was a big reason behind my imagination finding a portal to come through. The stories gave me something to dream about.”